Hey! Welcome to my website! Enjoy your stay!


Hey there! First off I would love to thank you for stopping by and checking out my website, it truly means the absolute world to me! You are the reason I am here and I couldn't do anything without you!

You may be curious on what MyFyeFits is, what we stand for, about us, and many other things! I am happy to explain and if you have any questions or concerns message me on Instagram or hit "contact" to reach me directly through email.

MyFyeFits is a small business I started on my own at 16 years old. Currently there is only one person doing everything from sourcing to shipping! Items being sold can range from handmade to reworked to thrifted! I try to include many styles and sizes so everyone is welcome to my shop!

MyFyeFits sells unique clothing you can't get anywhere else. We are a business who stand with you and listen. We want to be the best we can be, always tell us how we can get better and improve our shop! If you are ever looking for something specific, just send me a message!

I am so happy to finally have a website open to you guys and I hope this opens us so many new opportunities! I hope to expand this into a very large brand and I can not wait to take you along through this journey! It is going to be a lot of hard work and time, but I am so ready to get started! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the support!

Sending love, 

Abby Lynn @myfyefits